January 22, 2023

A Call to Remember

Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: Ephesians - The Unsearchable Riches of Christ Topic: Ephesians Scripture: Ephesians 2:11–22

A Call to Remember

Ephesians 2:11-22 

Paul is going to call us to remember these things.
• The first is your past.
• The second is your peace.
• The third is your place.
• The fourth is your practice.
• The last is Remember, Jesus Christ!

1)  Your Past. To remember life before God's grace. We were dead in our sins and in the trespasses in which we once walked.  We were called sons of disobedience. We were called children of wrath. We were without God, and we were without hope. So, “Remember!”, Paul has said. Think deeply upon these things. Do not forget who you were before God's grace.

2)  Your peace that God has granted you through Christ. Remember the grace of God! Remember verse four, “but God being rich in mercy”. That's really the testimony of all of us who know Christ, isn't it? Even though we might have a different story, a different narrative of how we came to know Christ by his grace. But all of us can say verse four is our testimony: “But God. Being rich in mercy.” And we don't want to forget that!

3) Your place, as you have been placed in the body of Christ in his church. New people! No longer strangers and aliens.

4) Your Practice. I want us to walk away from Ephesians 2 thinking about what should we do in light of what we have understood from Ephesians 2.  Put away pride. Cultivate humility. Put away partiality (James 2:1). Unity is created by focusing on the grace of God.

5) Remember Jesus Christ!

other sermons in this series

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You've Got Mail!

Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Ephesians 6:21–24 Series: Ephesians - The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

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The Soldier's Knees

Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Ephesians 6:18–20 Series: Ephesians - The Unsearchable Riches of Christ

Nov 17