A Fragrant Offering
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark Scripture: Mark 14:1–11
The wonder that Christ would die for sinners - for us - amazed the Apostle Paul as seen in His writings. Perhaps this affected Mark as well - so much that in writing his account of the Gospel, he rushes to the end to tell of Christ’s last days on earth. Mark’s account of the Passion Week paints a picture of a lonely Jesus whose enemies are determined to kill Him while His friends forsake Him. The first story in Mark’s account of Christ’s final days is of a woman who is a true follower of Jesus. She serves as an example for what a Christian disciple looks like, and her story is preserved forever with the Gospel. Here is what we can learn from her:
Four Marks of a True Disciple
- She loved Jesus.
- She gave herself for Him.
- She embraced suffering.
- She valued Jesus above all else.
“She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial.” - Mark 9:8
other sermons in this series
May 15
Taking Mark with Us
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 17
An Astonishing Discovery
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 16:1–8 Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 3
Don’t Overlook the Grave
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 15:40–47 Series: The Gospel According to Mark