Resolved to Give Himself
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark Scripture: Mark 10:32–45
Jonathan Edwards is famous for his godly resolutions but great as they were, Jonathan did not keep them all. However there was one Man - Jesus - who kept all His resolutions, and to our benefit. What role did humanity play in Jesus’s success and His disciples’ failures?
Three Resolutions that Jesus Fulfilled
- Our Lord was resolved to suffer. (Mark 10:32-34)
- Our Lord was resolved to stand in our place. (Mark 10:35-40)
- Our Lord was resolved to serve. (Mark 10: 41-45)
“Our one need is humility.” - Andrew Murray
other sermons in this series
May 15
Taking Mark with Us
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 17
An Astonishing Discovery
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 16:1–8 Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 3
Don’t Overlook the Grave
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 15:40–47 Series: The Gospel According to Mark