As a first psalm, Psalm 1 is a guard that stands at the gate assessing everyone who comes to worship the Lord. This book, Psalm 1, is the measure of a true worshipper - a true Christian. Therefore, if you desire to worship the living God, and to find the true state of your soul before Him. It is critical that you hear the message of Psalm 1.
We are familiar with expressions that begin thus: “There are only two types of people in the world.” Psalm 1 begins likewise: it differentiates between the blessed man and the wicked man. There are no in-betweens, and we all fall into one category or the other.
In Psalm 1:1-3, we see God’s description of the blessed man. We are given the negative description of his external behavior, a positive description of his thoughts and desires, and a proclamation of his prosperity. From this description, we can tell if we are blessed. And if we aren’t, the Bible offers us a path to this same blessedness.
Three Characteristics of the Blessed Man
- The actions of the blessed man. (Psalm 1:1)
- The heart of the blessed man. (Psalm 1:2)
- The prosperity of the blessed man. (Psalm 1:3)
….continued next week.
NOTE: This is the first of a 2-part sermon mini-series on Psalms 1. The second sermon is available here.