Be Confident - God is at Work (Part 1)
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark Scripture: Mark 4:21–34
Anyone in the evangelistic ministry of Christ will face discouragement at some point. Our preaching of the Gospel may face resistance, and it may seem there is little effect from the Word… in fact, we could conclude falsely that God is on vacation or asleep when it comes to our ministry or our lives. Psalm 121:3 lets us know that God is never asleep. It is our faith that is failing, not God. At this time, we need encouragement, and Mark 4 offers some.
In our passage, Mark intends to build our confidence in God Who is sovereign and Who really is at work. To accomplish this, he uses two kinds of stories - a pair of parables, and the account of Jesus calming the seas.
Jesus wants us as His disciples to have a peaceful confidence that God will use our humble ministry to affect His good, mysterious, sovereign plan.
Three Points of Confidence
- Be confident knowing that God’s sovereign work is continuous, undetectable, and unstoppable. (Mark 4:26-29)
- Be confident known that God’s sovereign work begins with humble means. (Mark 4:30-34)
- … (covered in the next sermon).
NOTE: This is the fourteenth sermon in a series titled The Gospel According to Mark. See the rest of the series here.
other sermons in this series
May 15
Taking Mark with Us
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 17
An Astonishing Discovery
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 16:1–8 Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 3
Don’t Overlook the Grave
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 15:40–47 Series: The Gospel According to Mark