A Friend of Sinners
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark Scripture: Mark 1:29–39
In the previous section (Mark 1:21-28), we see the encounter between Jesus and some demons in the synagogue in Capernaum. The demons rightfully feared Jesus, and we should too. But, Mark also paints a picture of Jesus as a friend of sinners. Christ is God very God Who stoops so low to become man and to taken upon Himself our sin and condemnation.
Our greatest sickness is our sin, and that is the reason Jesus came to heal us. To die is, He had to die for us.
Four Truths Concerning the Friend of Sinners
- The Friend of sinners can always be entreated. (Mark 1:29-30)
- The Friend of sinners is acquainted with our grief. (Mark 1:31)
- The Friend of sinners has authority over sickness. (Mark 1:31)
- The Friend of sinners came to die for sinners . (Mark 1:32-29)
NOTE: This is the sixth sermon in a series titled The Gospel According to Mark. See the rest of the series here.
other sermons in this series
May 15
Taking Mark with Us
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 17
An Astonishing Discovery
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 16:1–8 Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 3
Don’t Overlook the Grave
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 15:40–47 Series: The Gospel According to Mark