November 26, 2017

Why All This Singing?

Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Commitments and Distinctives of Our Local Church

Martin Luther is quoted as saying, “Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.” His statement underscores a great truth that applies to the local church. But, why do we sing? Does this encompass music with instruments? Are we encouraged to sing or required to sing? What kind of songs are we to sing? This sermons explores these and even more questions through the following points:

  1. Singing is what God does. (Zephaniah 3:17)
  2. Singing predates creation. (Job 38:6, 7)
  3. Singing is God’s gift to humanity. (Genesis 1:26, 27)
  4. Singing is part of our worship. (1 Corinthians 14:26)
  5. Singing is primarily to God and about God. (Romans 11:36; Psalm 47:6; Ephesians 5:18-21)
  6. Singing is primarily about our hearts. (Amos 5:26; Psalm 86:11)
  7. Singing must include Truth-filled content.
  8. Singing should be filled with praise and thanksgiving. (2 Chronicles 5:11-13)
  9. Singing must be directed/ordered in the local church. (1 Corinthians 14:26; 1 Chronicles 15:27; Nehemiah 12:42, 46)
  10. Singing can include a variety of instruments. (1 Chronicles 25:6)
  11. Singing should be improved for God’s Glory. (1 Chronicles 25:7)
  12. Singing can be expressed through psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. (Ephesians 5:19)
  13. Singing is typically a corporate practice in the Old and New Testament. (Romans 15:5)
  14. Singing instructs and encourages God’s people.
  15. Singing can be quiet or loud. (Psalm 95:1; 90:8; Revelation 5:11)
  16. Singing is our natural joyful response to God’s Mercy and Grace. (James 5:13)
  17. Singing will be our practice forever. (Revelation 5:9)