August 11, 2024

A Lesson in Pride, Sin, and God's Mercy

Speaker: Rene Ramirez Series: Sermons by Rene Ramirez Topic: Repentance Scripture: 2 Samuel 24:1–25

A Lesson in Pride, Sin, and God's Mercy

2 Samuel 24

  1. The Anger of the Lord: God’s anger flares up against Israel, leading to David’s test. Do you think about God’s right to be angry with us for our sins?
  2. Temptation to Sin: When David counts the people, it appears innocent but is driven by pride. Pride can lead us to forget God’s role in our life.
  3. Warning About Sin: Joab tries to dissuade David but was ignored. Do we need to listen more to those close to us?
  4. Going on to Sin: David ignores Joab’s warning, & is immediately struck by guilt. Can we relate to past regrets of actions we know we should not have taken? We need to learn to recognize God’s role in our successes & be grateful.
  5. His Recognition of Sin, but with a lack of True Repentance: David confesses his sin but seems more focused on avoiding consequences than on true repentance. True repentance involves owning & turning away from sin, not just seeking a way out of the penalty.
  6. God’s Judgment Against Sin: God gives David 3 punishment options: famine, fleeing from enemies, or pestilence.
  7. David Asks for Mercy: David chooses to fall into God’s hands, trusting in His mercy over man’s judgment. Let’s try to give more consideration on the importance of relying on God’s mercy rather than our own strength.
  8. Execution of Judgment Against Sin: Pestilence devastates the land, but God shows mercy, staying the angel’s hand before destroying Jerusalem. We need to reflect on God’s balance of judgment & mercy.
  9. The Real Repentance of David: David pleads with God to spare the people, showing his shepherd’s heart.
  10. Divine Direction: David builds an altar, showing that when we turn to God, He directs our next steps.
  11. True worship requires real sacrifice: David pays for the altar, showing true worship requires sacrifice. We should give our best to God, even when it costs us.

Without a Shepherd, we are lost. David bore the burden of his sin, but only Christ, the Good Shepherd, could lay down His life for the sheep. (John 10:11 & 14). Are you following the Shepherd’s voice today? Please turn to Christ, repent, & follow Him.

other sermons in this series

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The Mystery of Godliness

Speaker: Rene Ramirez Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:16 Series: Sermons by Rene Ramirez

Aug 11


A Lesson in Pride, Sin, and God's Mercy

Speaker: Rene Ramirez Scripture: 2 Samuel 24:1–25 Series: Sermons by Rene Ramirez

Mar 17


Finish the Race

Speaker: Rene Ramirez Scripture: 2 Timothy 4:6–8 Series: Sermons by Rene Ramirez