God’s Triumph through Man’s Rebellion
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark Scripture: Mark 11:27– 12:12
This is the third day in Christ’s final week in Jerusalem. Yet again, the religious leaders of the Jewish people challenge Christ publicly in a bid to trap our Lord. The leaders want to receive the spotlight and attention of the people for themselves. This part of Scripture will show the following points.
Two Points
- Man’s rejection of God’s authority. (Mark 11:27-33)
- God’s triumph through man’s rebellion. (Mark 12:1-12)
other sermons in this series
May 15
Taking Mark with Us
Speaker: Jason Whitley Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 17
An Astonishing Discovery
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 16:1–8 Series: The Gospel According to Mark
Apr 3
Don’t Overlook the Grave
Speaker: Jason Whitley Scripture: Mark 15:40–47 Series: The Gospel According to Mark