Women's Bible Study

After taking the summer off, the Women of Grace will be studying the Book, Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. For questions please email Christi Lawson christil@gcbiblechurch.org
Have we become so focused on “major” sins that we’ve grown apathetic about our subtle sins? The author will help us take a deep look at the corrosive patterns of behavior that we often accept as normal. Writing from the trenches of his own battles with sin, Bridges offers a message of hope in the transforming grace of God to overcome our “respectable sins.” Practical, thought-provoking, and relevant at any stage of life, Respectable Sins addresses a dozen clusters of specific “acceptable” sins that we tend to tolerate in ourselves, such as: Jealousy, Anger, Judgementalism, Selfishness and Pride.
Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges 
Purchase a paperback copy from the following on-line retailers:
Amazon | $13.99 | Shop here |
CVBBS | $12.74 | Shop here |
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